Tuesday 29 November 2011

Blame the Poor.

Random post, but this cartoon was too good to ignore, given the post below, and the troll comment. Refutes the right wing gibberish better than words alone.


Anonymous said...

There's a bigger version here.

RenterGirl said...

Not sure why this keep happening, but you can see it. Thanks though!

Steve said...

A more accurate cartoon would depict the millions of poor people who bought homes they couldn't afford, along with the government policies for encouraging just that to happen.

RenterGirl said...

The poor weren't buying homes they couldn't afford: the villains were the buy to let bubble buyers. Who ended up evicting the poor, or overcharging them for rent.

RenterGirl said...

Steve - are you referring to America?That cartoon is from The USA.

PleaseExplain said...

The poor weren't buying homes they couldn't afford: the villains were the buy to let bubble buyers.

In your latest post you attack the removal of housing benefit. But surely housing benefit is just redirecting tax payers money into the buy-to-leters bank accounts?

And in any case, weren't the buy-to-leters only taking advantage of a lack of regulation or a business opportunity all of which I vaguely seem to recall was facilitated by 'New Labour' - as it was then?

RenterGirl said...

But to letters only taking advantage...yes they were: of the system but mostly their tenants by ramping rents. They in turn were prey to those BTL get right quick schemes. I know who I feel more empathy with.